ANY 23 | Diagram Work: Data Mechanics for a Topological Age
June 1998
Guest Editors: Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos
Cynthia Davidson, Dear Reader
Christian Hubert, Letter from Athens
Karen Bermann, Letter from Naples
Allen S. Weiss, Book Review, Space Calculated in Seconds
Paul Henninger, Critic @ Large: The American Lawn
Wes Jones, The Nelsons
Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Diagram Work
Stan Allen, Diagrams Matter
Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Diagrams: Interactive Instruments in Operation
R.E. Somol, The Diagrams of Matter
Peter Eisenman, Diagram: An Original Scene of Writing
Manuel De Landa, Deleuze, Diagrams, and the Genesis of Form
Christine Buci-Glucksman, Of the Diagram in Art
Andrew Benjamin, Lines of Work: Notes on Diagrams
Karl Chu, The Cone of Immanenscendence
Brian Massumi, The Diagram as Technique of Existence
Greg Lynn, Embryological Housing
Mark Rakatansky, Motivations of Animation
Sanford Kwinter, The Geneology of Models: The Hammer and the Song
This sold-out issue of ANY is available on Jstor.