About the Anyone Corporation

Anyone Corporation is a New York–based nonprofit architecture think tank established in December 1990. Its purpose is to advance the knowledge and understanding of architecture and its relationships to the general culture through international conferences, public seminars, exhibitions, and publications that erode boundaries between disciplines and cultures. Anyone Corporation is the publisher of ANY (Architecture New York) magazine (1993–2000), ANY books (1991–2000), and Log (2003–Present) and produces the Writing Architecture Series (1995–present) with MIT Press.

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Anyone Corporation
1133 Broadway, Suite 330
New York, NY 10010

T: 212-645-1400
E: info@anycorp.com

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Executive Director
Cynthia Davidson

Managing Editor
Patrick Templeton

Editorial Intern
Riley Grills
Stanley Spence
Motuma Tulu


Anthony Ames
Armand Biglari
Cynthia Davidson
Peter Eisenman
Phyllis Lambert
Annabelle Selldorf



Thomas Daniell
Todd Gannon
Catherine Ingraham
Sanford Kwinter
Manuel Orazi
Bryony Roberts
Julie Rose
Sarah Whiting


Eisenman Architects
Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown
Legado Emilio Ambasz
Phyllis Lambert
Marshall and Margherite
    McComb Foundation

Anthony Ames
Joe Day and Nina Hachigian
Darell Wayne Fields
Kurt W. Forster
and Elisabetta Terragni
Harrison Atelier
Alex Kendall
and Caleb Linville
Sheila Kennedy
and Frano Violich
Michael A. Manfredi
and Marion Weiss
The Mark Foster
Gage Foundation
Richard and Ana Meier
David Mohney
Rafael Moneo
Thomas Phifer
Selldorf Architects
Bernard Tschumi

Stan Allen Architect
Andrew Berman Architect
David Buege
Michael Cadwell
Liz Diller + Ric Scofidio
Robert Graham
Douglas Hartig
Hilary Sample
    and Michael Meredith
Sarah Whiting and Ron Witte

Tim Altenhof
Daisy Ames
Rafael Beneytez-Durán
Justin Beal
Louise Braverman
David Buege
Matteo Cainer
Mario Carpo
Kristine Chung
Matt Conway
Marti Cowan
Thomas Daniell
Brock Danner
Marleen Kay Davis
Taylor Dover
Dora Epstein Jones
Alan Finkel
Mathew Ford
Todd Gannon
Lisa Hsieh
Joyce Hsiang
and Bimal Mendis
David Huber
Catherine Ingraham
Margarita Jover
Lydia Kallipoliti
and Andreas Theodoridis
LAB Architecture Studio
Jimenez Lai
Robert Livesey
Lina Malfona
Ana Miljački
Kyle Miller
O’Riley Office
Win Overholser
Christopher Pierce
Florencia Pita
Mónica Ponce de León
Anne Rieselbach
and Grant Marani
Bryony Roberts
Jonathan A. Scelsa
Peter Shinoda
Paulette Singley
Jonathan Tate
C. Michael Tucker
David Turturo
Studio Fou: Farzam
Yazdanseta + Ursula Trost
Burton Thomas
Leopoldo Villardi
Andrew Witt
Cameron Wu
Yeadon Space Agency