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ANY 14 | Tectonics Unbound: Kernform and Kunstform Revisited!


May 1996

Guest Editor: Mitchell Schwarze

Cynthia Davidson, Dear Reader
Emily Apter, Letter from Paris: Fashion, Politics, Culture Wars, Fall 1995
Tim Culvahouse, Book review: Studies in Tectonic Culture
Barry Bergdoll, Book review: Iron Construction in France
Daniel Libeskind, Project: Musicon Bremen
Wes Jones, The Nelsons
Mitchell Schwarzer, Tectonics Unbound
Scott C. Wolf, The Metaphysical Foundations of Schinkel's Tectonics: eine Spinne im eigenen Netz
Martin Bressani, The Life of Stone: Viollet-le-Duc's Physiology of Architecture
Detlef Mertins, Walter Benjamin's "Tectonic" Unconscious
Mark Rakatansky, Tectonic Acts of Desire and Doubt: What Kahn Wants to Be
Sandy Isenstadt, Spectacular Tectonics
Deborah Fausch, The Oppositions of Postmodern Tectonics
Greg Lynn, Blobs, or Why Tectonics is Square and Topology is Groovy
Mitchell Schwarzer, Tectonics of the Unforeseen

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ANY 5 | Lightness

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ANY 1 | Seaside and The Real World: A Debate on American Urbanism

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ANY 6 | Concrete Poetics: Reconsidering Tadao Ando

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ANY 0 | Writing in Architecture

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ANY 19/20 | The Virtual House
