
ANY 17 | Forget Fuller?: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Fuller But Were Afraid to Ask


January 1997

Guest Editor: Reinhold Martin

Cynthia Davidson, Dear Reader
Robert Segrest, Letter from Bratislava
Fares el-Dahdah, Book Review: The Little House
Edward Robbins, Book Review: The City of Collective Memory and CyberCities
Juliet Koss, Critic @ Large: In(di)visible Cities
Smith-Miller + Hawkinson, Project: Building, Seoul, Korea
Sanford Kwinter, FFE
Wes Jones, The Nelsons
Reinhold Martin, Forget Fuller?
Mark Wigley, Planetary Homeboy
Lindy Roy, Geometry as a Nervous System
Antoine Picon, Fuller's Promised Land
Laura Kurgan, Threat Domes
Reinhold Martin, Crystal Balls
Branden Joseph, Hitchhiker in an Omni-Directional Transport: The Spatial Politics of John Cage and Buckminster Fuller
Y. C. Wong, Fuller's Corporate Soul
Beatriz Colomina, DDU at MoMA
Guy Nordenson, Notes on Bucky: Patterns and Structure

Glossary, compiled by Damon Rich

This sold-out issue of ANY is available on Jstor.

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