
Log 59


Fall 2023

To mark Log’s 20 years of observing architecture and the contemporary city, former guest editors and current editorial protagonists were invited to interview someone whose work resonates with their current thinking or concerns, or even with what keeps them up at night. The conversations they initiated range from designing with AI to AI’s possible future consciousness; from natural French wine to Indigenous Mexican textiles; from building architecture to theorizing architecture; from corruption in the building industry to untold histories. Literary critic Caroline Levine calls for activism; urbanist Milton S.F. Curry says it’s a time for manifestos; and artist Ursula Biemann brings our relationship to a changing Earth System into sharper view.
The ideas and opinions of the 55 voices in Log 59 both push against and coincide with each other. But they all testify to the changes in architecture and culture since Log was launched in September 2003.

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Log 40

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Log 11

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Log 22: The Absurd

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Log 46

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Log 17: Superficial


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Savinien Caracostea & Anders Frederik Steen, “Eat the World We Want to Live In”

Thomas Daniell & Maki Onishi, “The Positive Power of Architecture”

Cynthia Davidson, “A Seat at the Table”

Cynthia Davidson with K. Michael Hays, Andrew Holder & Anna Neimark, “Toward a Theory of Inscription”

Peter Eisenman & Valerio Olgiati, “Making Sense of the Non-Referential”

Dora Epstein Jones & Katharine Hayhoe, “Hope Begins in a Dark Place”

Darell Wayne Fields & Milton S.F. Curry, “This Is a Time for Manifestos”

Mark Foster Gage & David Chalmers, “Architecture, AI & the Hard Problem of Consciousness”

Todd Gannon & Caroline Levine, “Everybody Needs to Breathe Oxygen”

Elisa Iturbe & Maria Shéhérazade Giudici, “Carbon Modernity’s Domestic Typologies”

Jaffer Kolb & Lucas LaRochelle, “Something Lost, Something Found”

Sanford Kwinter & Ursula Biemann, “Sentipensar; or, How to Become Earth”

Phyllis Lambert, “Remembering Jean-Louis Cohen”

Sylvia Lavin, “Birdcalls; or, Criticism in the Environment”

Ann Lui & Juliet Sorensen, “Building Justice”

Michael Meredith & Alex Da Corte, “A Conversation Pit”

Ana Miljački & Cristina Gamboa, “Housing Makes a Community”

Anna Neimark & Andrew Atwood, “Stone on Stone”

Manuel Orazi & Emanuele Coccia, “Architecture; or, The Science of the Planet”

Florencia Pita & Carla Fernández, “Ephemerality Will Kill Us All”

Mónica Ponce de León with Amale Andraos, Sean Canty, Preston Scott Cohen, Mira Henry & Meejin Yoon, “Architecture Is the Intersection of Material and Ideas”

Bryony Roberts & S.E. Eisterer, “Expanding Embodiment”

François Roche / S/he with Emanuele Coccia, “An Archaeological Retro-future”

Anthony Vidler, “Our Drawing Room”

Anthony Vidler, “Palladio’s Rialto Bridge”

Sarah M. Whiting & Pier Vittorio Aureli, “From Abstraction to the Longhouse”

Cameron Wu & Patrik Schumacher, “Form, Words, and Artificial Intelligence”


And observations on a a supermarket, an average home, the year of Barbie, and pigeons . . .