PDF: Log 49
Summer 2020
As the world reckons with the compounding crises of a pandemic, racial unrest, a recession, and climate change, Log 49 compiles essays, interviews, observations, and manifestos by 29 authors in an effort to make sense of architecture, the city, and nature in the midst of turmoil. This 196-page issue includes a special section, The Return of Nature, guest edited by architectural philosophers Gökhan Kodalak and Sanford Kwinter, who write in their introduction, “The world is on fire, and we are the fire. . . . The time has come for a reboot.” They, along with philosophers Muriel Combes and Erin Manning and architects Jenny E. Sabin and Peter Trummer, offer concepts and methods toward that reboot.
Aspects of nature permeate the entire issue. Historian Sylvia Lavin explores architects’ depictions and use of trees in four essays seeded throughout the issue and philosopher Jacques Rancière discusses the aesthetic regime of 18th-century landscape, while architect Sasa Zivkovic unravels the structural potential of unusable trees and Erin and Ian Besler produce an interactive pop-up postcard for practicing tree pruning. Architects Neeraj Bhatia and Emmett Zeifman each rethink the idea of collective form, Elena Manferdini and Christina Griggs see new possibilities in color, and Luke Studebaker digs deep into the AMO/Rem Koolhaas exhibition “Countryside, The Future.” In response to the COVID-19 quarantine, philosopher Emanuele Coccia calls for a domestic revolution, Henryetta Duerschlag learns to teach photography via Zoom, and architecture students observe New York City in lockdown from their windows. And in a recollection that is broadly relevant today, when the ground seems to be shifting beneath our feet, historian Nakatani Norihito recounts how when viewing the devastation wrought by the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, he realized that “without land, architecture and architecture history are meaningless.”
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Additional Info
Contents Neeraj Bhatia, “Collective Form: Forming a Collective”
Frank Burridge, “Jacques Rancière: The Time of Landscape”
Emanuele Coccia, “Reversing the New Global Monasticism”
Henryetta Duerschlag, “Learning from Hans Finsler: Learning in Lockdown”
Sylvia Lavin, “Trees Make a Plan”
“Trees Move In”
“Trees Push Back”
“Tree Speech”
Elena Manferdini & Christina Griggs, “Color Corrections”
Matthew Mullane, “World of Boundaries: A Discussion with Nakatani Norihito”
Dana Piazza, Fibers 1
Luke Studebaker, “The Countryside in Question”
Pier Paolo Tamburelli, “Remembering Vittorio Gregotti”
Emmett Zeifman, “Notes on Collective Form”
Sasa Zivkovic, “Log Knot”
PLUS: a special section – The Return of Nature
Muriel Combes, “On Nature”
Gökhan Kodalak, “Spinoza and Architecture: The Air of the Future”
Gökhan Kodalak & Sanford Kwinter, “The Return of Nature”
Erin Manning, “Angular Perspective; Or, How Concern Shapes the Field”
Jenny E. Sabin, “Biosynthetic Architecture”
Peter Trummer, “Notes on Mechanology”
ALSO: Jully Chen, Niki Green, Eli Maroscher, Anna Robinson-Sweet, Chen Xiang, and Yixuan Xie on New York City
And observations on a French tower, a Finnish cabin, and “Taking the Country’s Side” . . .