PDF: Log 44
Fall 2018
In the 15th anniversary issue of Log, number 44, architects representing diverse perspectives each question, in different ways, the place of architecture and architectural discourse in the world today. As 2018 Venice Biennale Golden Lion recipient Kenneth Frampton asks, “What are architects for in a destitute time?” Similarly, in Zack Saunders’s response to the exhibition #digitaldisobediences, François Roche wonders, for “posthuman, postqueers, postdummies . . . what does it mean to be an architect?” In this issue, Rafael Moneo searches for a new historical paradigm no longer centered on modernism; Jesse Reiser and Nanako Umemoto evaluate the forces that shape their architectural project; Pier Vittorio Aureli offers a comprehensive history of the way the grid has been used to organize the socioeconomics of cities; Michelle Chang proposes vagueness as a critical position and source of creativity; and Michael Meredith curates 44 “low-resolution” houses. George Baird and xx voto respond to Log 42: “Disorienting Phenomenology” and ANY 4: “Architecture and the Feminine,” respectively. Renee Kemp-Rotan and Ludovico Centis evaluate monuments to the complicated American histories of racial injustice and nuclear weapons development. Alicia Imperiale and Christophe Van Gerrewey explore works by Luigi Moretti and OMA. Log 44 also takes stock of the World Trade Center site 15 years after the competition to rebuild Ground Zero in an interview with Daniel Libeskind and an analysis by Fred Bernstein.
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Additional Info
Daisy Ames, “MRL”
Pier Vittorio Aureli, “Appropriation, Subdivision, Abstraction: A Political History of the Urban Grid”
George Baird, “Phenomenology Upside Down: A Response to Log 42”
Fred Bernstein, “Sweet Sixteen Acres”
Ludovico Centis, “An American Temple”
Michelle Chang, “Something Vague”
Cynthia Davidson, “On the Record with Kenneth Frampton”
Luis Fernández-Galiano, “The House of Government”
Douglas Hartig, “Tower Foundations: An Interview with Daniel Libeskind”
Alicia Imperiale, “An ‘Other’ Aesthetic: Moretti’s Parametric Architecture”
Renee Kemp-Rotan, “Injustice Poetic: Monument, Museum, and Metaphor”
Michael Meredith, “44 Low-Resolution Houses”
Rafael Moneo, “Seeking the Significance of Today’s Architecture”
Jesse Reiser & Nanako Umemoto, “It Could Always Be Otherwise”
Zack Saunders, “New Solidarities: #digitaldisobediences”
Christophe Van Gerrewey, “A Weissenhofsiedlung for Amsterdam”
xx voto, “Written After Work: A Letter to ANY 4”
And observations on a Supreme Court decision, houseplants, and MoMA PS1 . . .