
Log 39


Winter 2017

Log 39 looks at a changed political landscape and an evolving urban environment, offering reflections on architecture and the contemporary city both in the United States and around the world. The Winter 2017 issue features incisive commentary by critics and historians on recently completed buildings – from BIG’s VIA 57 West and WORKac’s 93 Reade Street in New York to Herzog & de Meuron’s Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg to Archi-Depot, a museum dedicated to architecture models in Tokyo. In addition, Michael Meredith, Valéry Didelon, and Eric Owen Moss contribute writing on the aesthetic of indifference, the history and future of OMA’s 1989 Euralille masterplan, and a pseudo-scripture for architects. In a special section, practitioners, critics, and activists address the possibility of architecture in the age of Trump.

Postcard photo by Filip Dujardin.

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Log 29: In Pursuit of Architecture

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Cynthia Davidson, Editorial

Brendan Bashin-Sullivan, Stealth Building
Read the first page

Vishaan Chakrabarti & Brooke Gladstone, Reimagining Protest in New York City (and Every City)

Valéry Didelon, Euralille: The Deconstruction of the European City

Elisa Iturbe, The Border Is Not a Line
Read the first page

Michael Meredith, Indifference, Again

Eric Owen Moss, The Wolfman Scroll

Matthew Mullane, Model Tenants: Tokyo’s Archi-Depot

Emmanuel Petit, Metropolis Now
Read the first page

Hanno Rauterberg, Waves of Optimism: First Impressions of the Elbphilharmonie

Luka Skansi, Learning from Ljubljana

Jesús Vassallo, Seamless: Digital Collage and Dirty Realism in Architecture

Owen Winters, Place Mat

PLUS: Reflections on architecture in the age of Trump from Joseph Altshuler & Julia Sedlock, Iman Ansari, the Architecture Lobby, Ian Caine, Galo Canizares, Keller Easterling, George Foufas & George Papam, Gabriel Fuentes, Roberto Otero, Albert Pope, Micah Rutenberg, and Tyler Survant & Mark Talbot.

And observations on an Iranian villa and a shiny new subway . . .