
PDF: Log 28: Stocktaking


Summer 2013

What is the state of architecture today? This was the question posed in 1960 by the critic Reyner Banham in a series of articles he published in the Architectural Review under the heading of "Stocktaking," which examined what he perceived as a growing schism between tradition and technology in architecture. Just over 50 years later, Log 28: Stocktaking reprises Banham's inquiries in a similarly divided moment. Guest edited by architect Peter Eisenman and historian Anthony Vidler, the magazine features interviews conducted by the editors to assess the current conditions of architectural practice, pedagogy, theory, and criticism.

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PDF: Log 48: Expanding Modes of Practice

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PDF: Log 13|14: Aftershocks: Generation(s) since 1968


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Pier Vittorio Aureli, A project is a lifelong thing; if you see it, you will only see it at the end

Preston Scott Cohen, The inevitable flatness of floors interests me

Elizabeth Diller, Architecture is a technology that has not yet discovered its agency

Peter Eisenman & Anthony Vidler, In Conversation

Lydia Kallipoliti, It is our obligation to translate the emerging ecology of the cloud

Jeffrey Kipnis, I am for tendencies

Greg Lynn, If I can take a ride in a driverless car on a public street, then I see no reason why my building can’t wiggle a little

Patrik Schumacher, I am trying to imagine a radical free-market urbanism

Felicity D. Scott, I want to argue that contemporary scholarship be cast as a sort of ongoing counter-memory to familiar historical narratives

Brett Steele, The key project of the architectural school today is the making of audiences, not architects

Bernard Tschumi, I do not mind people being innocent, but I hate when they’re naive

Anthony Vidler, Taking Stock: Architecture 2013

Sarah Whiting, I am interested in a project of engaged autonomy

Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Humans are not so interesting now; at least not exclusively interesting