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Log 21


Winter 2011

The Winter 2011 issue of Log features a tug-of-war of ideas and compelling reflections on where architecture might go, running across time from preservation to parametricism, with insightful entries from around the globe in between. Is parametricism the next great style after modernism or is our understanding of progress misguided altogether? Will preservation make its march around the world faster than the parametric Pied Piper? Leading voices chart new courses for form, note the blistering speed of preservation globally (with some doubts about its authenticity), dispel some myths, and tell true stories of names, weight, and archives.

This sold-out issue of Log is available as a PDF.

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Log 7

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Log 52

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Log 43

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Log 8: Toward a Critique of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape

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Additional Info


Michael Cadwell, The Weight

Carson Chan, Diary from Venice: Another Biennale

Elena Crippa & Tom Vandeputte, Space as Praxis

Tom Daniell, Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama: What's in a Name? (A True Story)

Ole W. Fischer, Afterimage: A Comparative Rereading of Postmodernism

Mark Jarzombek, The Metaphysics of Permanence – Curating Critical Impossibilities

Rem Koolhaas, CRONOCAOS

Roy Lichtenstein, A Room

Ariane Lourie Harrison, Learning from Laboratories

Markus Miessen, Archiving in Formation: A Conversation with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Mitnick Roddier Hicks, AnaLOG Cabin

Eric Owen Moss, Parametricism and Pied Piperism: Responding to Patrik Schumacher

Ingeborg M. Rocker, Apropos Parametricism: If, In What Style Should We Build?

Patrik Schumacher, Parametricism and the Autopoiesis of Architecture

PLUS: On a Log . . . On a Bottled Ship . . . On an Island . . . On Konrad . . . On Images . . . On a Kitchen . . . On Google . . .