
PDF: Log 17: Superficial


Fall 2009

Log 17, guest edited by Mark Foster Gage and Florencia Pita, features essays and conversations focusing on relationships between new media and materiality in architecture – with an emphasis on sensation and affect.

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Michelle Addington, Sustainable Situationism

Sir Peter Cook, Exmouth Market

Joe Day, Genealogy as Diagram: Charting Past as Future

Tristan Eaton, I Love the Way You Love Me

David Erdman, Glow(ing)

Mark Foster Gage and Florencia Pita, The Zero Degree of Ideology

Todd Gannon, Ouch or Ooooh? On "Matters of Sensation"

Jeffrey Kipnis, Southern; Colors

Sylvia Lavin, Kissing Architecture: Super Disciplinarity and Confounding Mediums

Thom Mayne and Hernan Diaz Alonso, Generation(s) and the Generative: A Conversation

Alex McDowell, The Reality of Licorice Trees

Branko Mitrovic, Architectural Formalism and the Demise of the Linguistic Turn

William O'Brien Jr., Experts in Expediency

Jason Payne, Hair and Makeup

David Ruy, Lessons from Molecular Gastronomy

Mohamed Sharif, Superficiality and Superexcrescence

Teresa Stoppani, Venetian Dusts

Peter Zellner, Pretensions of Form: A Conversation

In Memoriam C.G.

Kenneth Frampton, In the American Vein: The Domestic Architecture of Charles Gwathmey

PLUS: On Winds of Desire . . . On Weather Reports . . . On the Blues . . .