PDF: Log 11
Winter 2008
First in the "black series," Log 11 is formulated as the "metacritique issue," with essays surveying the resurgence of critical thought consistent with the historical necessity of questioning conventional wisdom and received truths in architectural, political, and cultural milieux.
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Pier Vittorio Aureli, Toward the Archipelago
Marco Belpoliti, The Memory of Oblivion
Susan Buck-Morss, Theorizing Today: The Post-Soviet Condition
Keller Easterling, Only the Many
Paul Hegarty, On Fire: The City's Accursed Share
Catherine Ingraham, Last Man Standing
Gavin Keeney, A Hyperarchitecture: Isozaki's Uffizi Exit
Ana Maria Leon, The Boudoir in the Expanded Field
Reinhold Martin, Empty Form (Six Observations)
John Rajchman, Enlightenment Today
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kontakte
Georges Teyssot, Aldo van Eyck's Threshold: The Story of an Idea
PLUS: On Passaic . . . On Unlikely Allies . . . On Shelter . . . On the Fourth Plinth . . .