Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
June 1994
Cynthia C. Davidson, Introduction
1. The Province of Architecture in Thought
John Rajchman, The Place of Architecture in Philosophy
Elizabeth Grosz, Architecture from the Outside
Sylviane Agacinski, Architectonic Enclosure
Jean-Louis Deotte, The Museum as the Site of Passage from Modernity to Postmodernity
Peter Eisenman, Contemporary Arts Center and Regional National Music Conservatory Competition. Tours, France
Bernard Tschumi, Bridge-City (Ponts-Villes) Lausanne, Switzerland
Discussion 1
2. The Installation of Architecture in Science and Technology
Alberto Perez-Gomez, Architecture as Science: Analogy or Disjunction?
Peter Galison & Caroline Jones, Centripetal and Centrifugal Architectures: Laboratory and Studio
Jean-Claude Guedon, Architecture as Transdisciplinary Knowledge
Toyo Ito, Nature, History, and the Modern Age: Thoughts on Two Projects
Rem Koolhaas, S,M,L,XL: Under Construction
Discussion 2
3. The Charge of Architecture in the Arts
Ignasi de Sola-Morales, Terrain Vague
Johanne Lamoureux, Architecture Recharged by Art
Douglas Cooper, Hallucination is Not a Defect
Melvin Charney, In Place Meant
Seok Chul Kim, New Pavilion of the Korean Republic, Biennale Gardens, Venice, Italy
Discussion 3
4. Establishing Place in Cyberspace
Sylvia Lavin, Architecture/Information
Brian Boigon, Theory Is Made From Toys
Dara Birnbaum, Finding Anyplace in Cyberspace
Michel Iorio, Architecture of Light
Elizabeth Diller, Case No. 00-17164
Discussion 4
5. The Residence of Architecture in Politics
Daniel Latouche, The Residence of Architecture in Politics
Fredric Jameson, Is Space Political?
Akira Asada and Arata Isozaki, Fabrication of Anyplace
Bruce Trigger, Architecture, Power, and Politics in Early Civilizations
Rebecca Comay, Blueprints
Arata Isozaki, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagi, Japan
Daniel Libeskind, The Jewish Museum, Berlin, Germany
Discussion 5
6. Locating the Architecture of Anyplace
Discussion: The Place of Anyplace
Letters to Anyplace