


Anymore can also be ordered from MIT Press.

Paris, France
June 1999

Cynthia C. Davidson, Introduction

1. Paris Prologue: Emerging French Architecture
Fiona Meadows and Frederic Nantois, Any Alternative? 
Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane, Two Projects
Florence Lipsky and Pascal Rollet, A Strategy for Action
Finn Geipel, Gradations
Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, It Will Be Nice Tomorrow
Discussion 1

2. Anymore Theory or History? 
Denis Hollier, On Paper
Ignasi de Sola-Morales, Practice3: Theory, History, Architecture
Patrick Berger, Melange of Articles and Reflections
Mark C. Taylor, The Closure of Theory
Hubert Damisch, The Offense of Wandering
Discussion 2

3. Anymore Context? 
Arata Isozaki and Akira Asada, An Extra-Context
Francois Roche, No More Context
Saskia Sassen, Geographies and Countergeographies of Globalization
Kazuyo Sejima, The Context of the Self
Rem Koolhaas, From Lagos to Logos
Discussion 3

4. Anymore Architecture? 
Rosalind E. Krauss, Anymore Specificity? 
Enric Miralles, Anymore
Bernard Tschumi, Import and Export
Lars Spuybroek, The Structure of Experience
Peter Eisenman, The Specter of the Spectacle: Ghosts of the Real
Discussion 4

5. Anymore Technology? 
Bernard Cache, Digital Semper
Marc Mimram, The Architectural Project: A Real Virtuality
Mark Goulthorpe, From Autoplastic to Alloplastic Tendency: Notes on Technological Latency
Yannis Tsiomis, High-Tech in Architecture: Of Disenchanted Technology
Alain Fleischer, Architecture Between Reflections and Plans
Greg Lynn, Surface Effects
Discussion 5

6. Anymore Mores? 
Anthony Vidler, Any Mores
Franco Purini, The Scalpel and the Axe
Elizabeth Grosz, Architectures of Excess
Dominique Perrault, Elementary Dispositions
Discussion 6

Letters to Anybody

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